Unit 4 Where is my car? Story Time 表格式教案

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Unit 4 Where is my car? Story Time 表格式教案

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英语三年级下人教版PEPUnit 4 Where is my car Story Time教学设计一、教材分析本节课的教学内容是人教版小学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Where is my car Part C Story Time。本节课是故事教学,通过创设真实的情境来学习本节课的内容:“Where are you I can’t find you!”故事讲述的是Zip和Zoom一起玩捉迷藏。故事教学的实施要突出”讲”,而不是将故事课上成阅读课。教师在呈现故事的过程中要讲故事,而不是读故事。教师要做“故事主人公”,通过生动、形象、富有感染力的表演使学生产生兴趣,如果学生对故事情节不是很熟悉,教师可以慢慢引导,通过引导使学生参与到故事当中。并提供给他们提问、思考或者做出评价的机会。可以配合教师的的表情以及教师的体态和手势,能够加深印象,控制听众。而不是以语言的知识与技能为中心任务,逐字逐句地分析。二、学情分析小学三年级学生,正处在生长发育的关键时期,他们模仿能力强,好奇心强,但形象思维占主导地位,所以在教学中我会进行一些带有模仿性、表演性的练习以激发学生的学习兴趣。大部分学生已经能熟练掌握本单元A,B部分中的单词和句型,并能够在情景中灵活运用句型:“Where are you I'm behind you.”最终使孩子不仅积极参与故事表演,并能对故事进行加工和创新。三、教学目标:1语言知识目标:通过阅读故事复习综合运用语言进行适当描述;认读理解词汇及句型:hide and seekWhere are you   I can’t find you!  Let’s play hide and seek.正确理解hide and seek的意思,并能把课本故事表演出来。2、 语言技能目标:全体学生在卡通动画的辅助下,听懂理解故事内容;大部分学生能朗读并表演对话;能正确使用不同的语气表达情绪。3、 学习策略目标:积极运用所学进行表述和交流;学会用英语询问和回答人的方位;乐于表演。4、 情感态度目标:体会游戏带来的快乐;体会友谊的重要性;5、文化意识目标:通过语音语调的转换来表达疑问句的语气;6、 教学重难点:重点: 能理解、朗读并表演故事,正确理解“Where are you ”和“I can’t find you!”的意思。难点:1)词汇及句型“hide”,“seek”“Where are you ”, “I can’t find you!”的理解以及发音。2)理解并表演故事,并能将学过的知识熟练的运用到本节课中。课型: 故事阅读课课时: 第三课时六、教具准备:句子卡片,奖励卡,多媒体课件七、教学方法:情景教学法、任务教学法、活动教学法八、 教学过程:教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图ⅠWarm-up and lead in . T:Jerry!Jerry!Where are you Jerry Jerry Wow,so many kids! Hello kids. How are you today T:I’m not good. I’m so sad! Because I can’t Jerry! Look, this is Jerry. He is a little mouse.T: But Jerry, where are you I can’t find you.Jerry must play hide and seek with me!Do you want to help me So you must finish 3 tasks.Do you know hide and seek T: Now, let’s watch a video about hide and seek. Greet .Ss:I’m fine,thank you. And you Ss: No! 通过教师的表演来创设猫和老鼠的情景,Tom猫在寻找Jerry老鼠,将学生的好奇心充分吸引起来,并充分调动学生的学习积极性。使学生融入真实的情景之中。设置三个任务,用任务的方式让学生在游戏中将课本的故事理解并读熟。通过视频让学生感知hide and seek 的意思。Ⅱ Presentation T: Who can tell me what’s hide and seek Smart boy!T: 1. Follow the video. 2. Read the story together. 3. Boys are Zoom, girls are Zip. Read it again.T: Now, task 1. Finish or not Finish! Big hands for ourselves. For each task, we will get a clue. Let’s see what’s the first clue.T:On Jerry,Jerry,where are you On what Table Desk Toy box Sing the song together!(dance with me.)It’s time for the second clue. Are you ready Ss: 捉迷藏Ss: Read the story.Ss: Finish! Ss: On!Ss:Yes, I’m ready!Ss: yes! I’m ready. 通过机械化练习使学生理解并熟读课本中的故事。为后面的任务做了扎实的铺垫。完成任务后,通过再次观看Hide and seek视频来奖励,并随声附和。ⅢPractice T: Task 2:Can you play Zoom and Zip I can play Zoom, Who can play Zip Choose one S to play Zip and make an example.T: Task 2, finish or not Clue2: The Let’s sing the song again! Ss:Yes, I can!Ss: Finish! 分角色扮演,让学生有意识模仿语音语调;通过情景创设,在真实情境下,表演课本中的故事,加深对故事的理解。通过表演调动每一个孩子参与的积极性。完成任务后再次唱歌,将课堂推向高潮。ⅣProduction T: Task 3:Can you hide your pencil 4 Ss in a group. One to hide, and 3 to guess.Clue3: bed.Where is Jerry Should I eat him Fine! I won’t eat him. We are friends. Because a faithful friend is hard to find. Ss: On the bed! 通过小组合作表演,改编,创新故事,提供合作思考和交流的机会,提高思考深度和广度。拓展性和开放性强的表演和创编活动能发挥学生创意和语言潜能,发展创造性思维和语言综合运用的能力。通过情感渗透:益友难得。让同学们认识到友情的珍贵,要珍惜和同学之间的友情。V.Summary Write down the homework.Watch the Video. 布置作业,总结评价。Blackboard Work:Unit 4 Where is my car?Where are you INCLUDEPICTURE \d "https://timgsa./timg image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1490205933140&di=441d5ee98e14eca9e90509bd2dc8bf25&imgtype=0&src=http://img./pics/tomandjerry/2011/14000106/14000106_03_l.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE \d "https://timgsa./timg image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1490205933140&di=441d5ee98e14eca9e90509bd2dc8bf25&imgtype=0&src=http://img./pics/tomandjerry/2011/14000106/14000106_03_l.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE \d "https://timgsa./timg image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1490205933140&di=441d5ee98e14eca9e90509bd2dc8bf25&imgtype=0&src=http://img./pics/tomandjerry/2011/14000106/14000106_03_l.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET.I can’t find you!






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